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Graduate school, is it for me?

Once you’ve completed your bachelor’s degree this is an option for you. Basically, what graduate school does, is give you an advanced course of study in a certain area. There are also many different types of graduate school programs. For instance,

1.     Master’s Degree Program

2.     PhD Program (Doctor of Philosophy)

3.     JD Program (Law School)

4.     MD Program (Medical School)

These are all great options if they lead you to the career, you want and the life you envision yourself in. One thing I did not know about graduate school is that you can actually apply for a Ph.D. right out of undergrad. That’s right, you can go straight into your Ph.D. and not take any extra time getting a master’s degree.

Why do people go to graduate school? Well, there are many different reasons. Some might have their heart set on research, becoming a professor, becoming a doctor or lawyer, etc. Some might feel as if they aren’t equipped for their desired job yet and believe this can give them an extra boost of knowledge as well as some good connections. Some might have been working in their field for quite some time and realize a graduate degree would allow them to reach the next step in their career.

Let’s talk funding and details - To be quite honest I learned quite literally all of this once I was already in my graduate program. Sometimes these degrees seem out of reach due to cost and being unable to work in some programs. The truth is the degrees are not out of reach we just don’t know the rules of the road to get funding.

Master’s degrees – Most master’s degree programs are expensive. You pay graduate-level tuition which is more expensive than undergraduate tuition. This ended up narrowing greatly where I could go to school. Thankfully I received a generous scholarship for my program, which is why I chose Florida State. Most master’s degrees range from 1 ½ to 2 years. This can be a positive aspect because it does not take as long. There are also some degree programs that are offered completely online or part-time. You can get scholarships/funding for a wide variety of circumstances. Such as ethnicity and cultural background, military status, working or single-parent status, religious affiliations, etc. Most all graduate programs require a GRE or GMAT to be accepted.  I linked below the funding link on the FSU Graduate School page. (Keep in mind there are many other resources this is just one link)

FSU Graduate School -

Ph.D. Programs – I am not a Ph.D. candidate so I can only go off what I have read and learned thus far. Most Ph.D. programs are lengthy, I would say about 4 – 6 years for an expected duration and it varies among program and university. These can also be completed online or in person. Your degree program application will clearly specify those details. Most Ph.D. programs are fully funded through stipends etc. These programs are research-heavy and prepare you to be very qualified in your field. Many people believe PhDs are just for those who want to become a professor or be in research and that’s just incorrect. Below are some links about Ph.D. programs at Florida State as well as links naming some fully funded programs etc.

Fully funded programs -

FSU PhD programs -

PhD post grad options for science grads -

PhD post grad options for business -

J.D. Program (Juris Doctor Degree) – This is a law degree. Law school typically takes three years to complete. One misconception is that law school is only made up of people who want to be a lawyer. This is incorrect. Many people go to law school for reasons other than becoming a lawyer. For instance,

Most people do not work during law school from what I have read and heard but I could be wrong. To get into law school you need to take the LSAT. I actually took this exam last January and it’s an interesting test. You do need to devote a large amount of time to studying but even though the exam is hard, hard work pays off tremendously. There are also dual degree programs many schools offer with a J.D. Degree. I will link that below as well.

Here’s the Florida State School of Law link -

Dual Programs –

M.D. Degree (Doctor of Medicine) – Medical school in the United States is typically 4 years long. To get accepted into medical school you need to have completed a wide variety of things and performed well on them. For instance, finishing all medical school prerequisites, MCAT exam, internship/research experience, etc. Although it is a long rigorous path it does pay off and most graduates of this degree pay off student loans in a timely manner.

How to pay for medical school -

FSU College of Medicine -

What do I need to get into medical school?

At the end of the day, it all boils down to what you want and if this is something that can get you to where you want to be. By no means does someone need a graduate degree to be successful in their field.

I am currently in a dual master’s degree program with a duration of 3 years. If anyone has questions or needs someone to reach out to my email is under the contact section of the website!

Landis Green, Florida State University