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New Beginnings - The Power of a Fresh Start

Maybe it’s the way new beginnings allow you to find yourself or maybe it’s the way it forces you to be strong and unafraid, but no matter what it is, I’m thankful for it.

I’m thankful for the times I’ve had to learn it all from scratch, whether it be a job, a new city, or a new school. It forces me to focus on the little things, to be thankful for who and where I am, and the person I’m becoming.

The more often I put myself in these situations, the stronger I get, and the more I learn about myself and the world around me. Fresh starts are beautiful inside and out, even if they’re hard and push us into the unknown for a bit.

I’m better because of them. So, yes even though I’m tired and having to find familiarity in simple things like sunsets, my favorite color, and fast food chains that remain the same, it makes me extra thankful for everything new.

New beginnings teach us more about ourselves and our strength, than anything else ever could. We don’t change by staying the same, so I hope that you too embrace new beginnings, whether it be a new hobby, new city, new job, new role in life or anything else, I hope you embrace it.

Today, I’m extra thankful for the change of seasons, friendly strangers, sunsets over the mountains, local cafés, and the ability to love! Cheers to new beginnings and fresh starts!