Material Items Can Be Deceiving, Does Everyone Really Have It All?

Many times social media and reality tv can paint the world's most inaccurate pictures. Everyone's feed is filled with designer brands, new clothes, shopping sprees, travel, etc. 

Of course, with Instagram ads filling your feed and influencers promoting things left and right it's only understandable why we feel so inclined to fit the part.

It becomes so easy to fall into the trap of impulsive buying due to its convenience and influence in your media. 

We might see the designer bags, epic trips, and new cars but what we don't see is the reality.

Many people push themselves to their financial limits to appear a certain way to the world & there are many people who will take advantage of that.

What we don't see is their savings account, investments or lack thereof, their mortgage, their financial limits, etc.

By pushing yourself to your financial limits you increase your risk of financial failure. I'm not saying it is wrong to do these things, but as with everything in life there are consequences to our actions.

Nothing in life is a given. We have seen this through and through as the virus gripped the lives of many and financially hurt families, countries, and people everywhere. 

By taking a step back and realizing you have nothing to prove to people quite literally anyone, you find will find yourself in a far more comfortable position.

If the Louis bag makes you so happy and you need it - okay buy it, but if it's for the purpose of simply showing your followers and fitting an image, do you really need it?

The point is - we never see the full picture of someone's life. Not in person, not on Instagram, not at work, and certainly not on tv. You do not need to put yourself in uncomfortable financial situations to try to appear a certain way. 

This life is for you. It is for you to achieve your dreams. It is not for you to mold yourself to be like everyone else and it is not for you to compare yourself to those around you. 

There is nothing more important than your happiness in life, don't let the pictures painted on social media take away from that.

Check out the links below - 

How to invest - 

Social media's impact on your financial health -

How to have better financial health in 2022 - 


You Are My Sunshine


Growing Pains