Make it Happen.

I felt as if time management was a great topic to cover since most of us are downing in virtual classes and homework or working remotely. The pandemic has brought a major shift in the education and work environment. Although good time management is important no matter the circumstances, I think it is key that we refocus on the topic to help us adjust to our current conditions.

What exactly is time management?

Time management “is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities.”

The Mind Tools Content Team By the Mind Tools Content Team, Team, T. M., Wrote, M., Wrote, C., & Wrote, B. (n.d.). What Is Time Management?: Working Smarter to Enhance Productivity. Retrieved from

First off, I want to talk about my personal experience with college during the pandemic. I have felt as if there was a large influx in the workload I have received. I feel as if professors use large amounts of assignments to help keep us engaged, learning, and productive during this weird time. In life, it is important you adapt and grow through these changes. I feel overwhelmed at times with the workload, I feel like it is too much, and I feel like I deserve more than three credits for some of these classes because of this. With this being said, it does not matter if I think it’s too much work or complain about it. I chose to be a college student during this time and with that comes a large amount of responsibility.

It is up to you, to manage your time and create an effective plan to ensure your work is complete. It is up to you, to take initiative to take control of your schedule and to prioritize things in your life. It is also up to you to take a realistic look at your life and correct the issues that need addressed. Some issues could be struggling with mental health, not understanding your schoolwork, working full time while in school, etc. Although these issues may not have a quick fix or a complete solution at all, it is important that we understand they are factors affecting us and our time management. By being aware of these issues you will begin to be able to dissect them and find the pathways to effective time management. For example, mental health may always be a struggle but how can we better the circumstances we are dealing with? Would therapy allow you a place to express your concerns and deep struggles? Would this allow you to have more time focusing on your happiness and less time struggling? Would medication fill the gaps for what therapy could not provide you? These are the types of questions you need to ask yourself. You will be very much surprised by the outcome of these personal conversations with yourself. You can do it, I believe in you all!

When we find the root of the issue, we can usually work from there to adjust our needs and schedule.

Does the stress of schoolwork cause you to procrastinate?

Be honest with yourself. If you said yes, it is okay and very understandable. Let’s take another look at the situation. By procrastinating you are most likely causing yourself more stress than if you simply did your work ahead of time. Schoolwork may not always be something you necessarily want to do, but if you’re a student it is your responsibility. You will perform much better if you associate importance with your schoolwork and prioritize it. This will most likely be reinforced by positive feedback in the forms of good grades, more free time, etc.

To me, time management is how we effectively complete our obligations in an efficient manner. This allows you to have more YOU time. It also allows us to have less built-up stress. It feels good to check assignments off your list, exams, business proposals, grocery shopping, workouts, meetings, etc.

In fact, the obligation you want to complete the least should be at the top of your list. Knock it out, get it done and move on. The more efficient you become the better your quality of life will be. One of the major keys to success is efficiency or having high productivity. You will find that you will become more mindful of opportunities and will be actively training yourself to be able to handle more. This could present itself in ways such as being able to advance in your company, having time to volunteer, having time to indulge in your hobbies, spending more time with your family, etc.

 Some ways we create an atmosphere that cultivates high productivity are

-       Engaging in a space that has no distractions. This means leaving your phone in another area or putting it on do not disturb.

-       Create daily schedules as a part of your routine. This can be done in the morning or even the night before. This allows for less stress and incorporates a pre-made plan of what needs to be accomplished.

-       Create certain blocks of time that are reserved for specific obligations. For instance, I block out three hours a day for French homework.

-       As much as we are discussing the completion of tasks it is important, we block out time for breaks. Breaks are essential. Breaks allow us to decompress and foster new ideas.

I hope you utilize this information and begin to take steps to create the most efficient and effective YOU, that you can be. I believe in you all! Let’s get prioritizing, XO! 

Time management is life management.
— Robin Sharma

We’re Only Human.


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