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Find Your Purpose, Even in the Little Things

Growing up is hard, especially in the sense that it can be so difficult to find direction. We always hear what other people have done, we see the paths that others have taken, but it leaves little affect on our own path.

Just because the person I admire was the head of XYZ or one of the world's best lawyers or doctors, doesn't mean my path will fall into the same line theirs did. Sometimes we crave a certain path so deeply because we crave direction and stability and for our path to be simply figured out. Yet, sometimes when we do that we find ourselves struggling with the idea of finding purpose in our lives and questioning the role we play in the world.

The key is balance. Finding what you love, finding financial freedom, surrounding yourself with good company, and creating an impact. Now, the way to find satisfaction is to find purpose in the little things, to look at the greater picture, and to applaud yourself for what you have accomplished, no matter how small.

Everything we do has an impact, and to think it doesn't, means you simply aren't looking deep enough. I find purpose in my job, my life, and my community through things that make me feel full and that align with my greater purpose.

My job might be in one sector of work and my purpose may land in another, but the two work together. I want to leave a kind impact on those around me, I want to add empathy to the world, I want to help children reach their full potential, and to help those around me feel loved. At work, I do this through volunteerism, being a shoulder to lean on for my coworkers, and finding even little ways to make someone's day better.

Jobs, majors, roles, and hobbies exist because there is a place for them, a place where everything belongs fully. So, don't think for a second you can't allow your job to contribute to your greater purpose and that you cannot find fulfillment in your job, school work, family role, or anything else.

It truly is the little things every day that create us into the person we are, and how we feel about ourselves, and how we precieve the world around us. Whether it is smiling more, lending a helping hand, or taking extra time to check in on those who might need it, you're aligning yourself to your greater purpose.

Take it one step at a time and allow yourself room to feel, understand, and learn. Life is hard, yet extremely worthwhile and rewarding. Remember how loved you are, remember your overall purpose, write down what makes you happy, and surround yourself with kind energy.

Remember, the key is finding purpose in the little things in life. The little things do indeed add up to be the greater things in life.