Self-Love - Give Yourself a Hug

Self–love, what actually is it?

Well, honestly self-love is many things. For me, it means different things depending on the day but overall, it is always looking out for myself and holding myself up even on days I don’t want to. Some days it means watching movies and relaxing, some days it means running errands and cleaning, and other days it means studying all day. Whatever my mind, body, and soul need that day, I give it.

I used to always fight with myself and push myself to do things I didn’t want to or make myself feel bad for taking breaks, time away from the gym, or alone time. Yet – as I have grown up these things have become extremely important to me. I threw in the towel about two years ago and finally started to really listen to my body, instead of fight with it.

Let’s take the gym for example – I used to go to Orange Theory about five to six days a week. I was in great shape, gaining weight which I was proud of, and loving seeing my progress. After about a year of it, I realized I was becoming unhealthily obsessed with my body image. Examining how it looked every single day, critiquing it, getting upset with it, beginning to not appreciate it, and talking down to it.

I decided to take some time off and it has actually helped me quite a bit mentally and physically. I started to appreciate my body for all it does for me and love my body through all its phases. I have learned to give my body breaks when it needs and not push it to unnecessary standards. Something I have recently gotten into is hot yoga. I started going with one of my friends from my program and it has been a wonderful adventure. I focus on thanking my body, loving my body, and appreciating what it does for me every day.

Taking breaks and refinding your balance are both very important. They help us reconnect with ourselves and reestablish/establish our relationship with ourselves, our goals, values, and more.

Another element of self-love I have fallen in love with is alone time. It is important you find who you are and that you love yourself through the process. I spend my alone time reading, watching movies, writing articles, grocery shopping, studying, and more. Doing activities with yourself is very important because after all, you are your own best friend.

Spend time with people who value you, bring you up, care for you and support you. Self-love can be as simple as holding yourself accountable for eating even when you’re upset or getting up to run errands when you wish you could just hide away in bed. Find what self-love is to you and live by it.

Simple things I do to show myself self-love –

  • Making sure I drink enough water

  • Get enough rest

  • Eat enough

  • Read books

  • Write

  • Take baths

  • Do my skincare

Bigger things I do to show myself self-love –

  • Follow my dreams

  • Follow my heart

  • Plan trips + activities out of my comfort zone

  • Trust myself and my decisions

  • Being proud of myself

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
— Buddha




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