Life Cleanse - The Full Life Detox

We might think of a life cleanse as reorganizing our room and getting rid of junk, but it can also be limiting our time on social media, donating, and reassessing relationships. Detoxing from different areas in your life is very beneficial because it allows you to have a clear space, mind, and life. Over time, many unhealthy habits start to form, stuff piles up and we forget how little attention we pay to things such as social media consumption or clutter piling up. Well, now is as good a time as ever to take part in a full life detox.

Declutter your space –

Reorganizing my space and getting rid of useless things around my home is one of my favorite things to do. Something about moving the couch or putting my desk against a different wall gives me such excitement and makes my space feel brand new. It is also important to clean your space. One, so it’s clean but two, so it’s organized for you. Committing and setting time aside to clean and organize can easily become a habit if you stick with it. I find that setting thirty-minute timers helps me commit to cleaning my space. I notice myself making excuses, such as being too busy or simply too tired after my day to clean, but this only creates more work for another day. If you spend thirty or even fifteen minutes a day cleaning your space, you are far less likely to ever play catch up on cleaning and you will be much more at peace in your space. Another way to declutter your space is to donate any old clothes or items you no longer use or need. This can be hard at times because you may feel like you need to hold on to certain clothes or items, yet if you do not use them and they are simply taking up space you most likely do not need them.

A friend cleanse –

Many times, we stay friends with people because they’ve been in our life for a while and we don’t really think much about it. Yet – if you were to create a pro and cons list of the people in your life, would you like the results? The people we spend our time with eventually become pieces of us. Their energy transfers to us and affects us. The way they view the world, speak about others, and speak about themselves also reflects who we are. Think about that again and create your pro and cons list. If you notice someone not treating you well, not bringing support and positivity to you, and speaking about others in a disrespectful or poor manner, do you want them to be a reflection of you? Once I began to use this understanding, as a way to gauge someone’s position in my life, I slowly but surely began to spend less time with people I did not want to be seen as a reflection of me.

Social media detox –

Social media can be a great way to kill time or take a break, but the moral of the story is that your time on it needs limited. Spending too much time on social media can cause insomnia, unhappiness, and false expectations of the world around you. Sometimes, I don’t even know I am aimlessly scrolling through pictures I have already seen ten times on Instagram, or I find myself hours into watching videos. All versions of social media have the ability to take up far too much of your time. Setting timers on your phone allows you to be held accountable to limit your screen time or time on certain apps.


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