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The Habits We Choose; A New Year’s Reminder

Habits are so interesting. I think it’s because not only can we choose them, but we can also fall into them. Usually, if we aren’t actively choosing our habits, we tend to fall into them, whether they be good or bad. We’re all guilty of it, even if we don’t want to admit it. The habits we choose create the person we are, the life we live, and the types of relationships we have. Yet, sometimes we don’t realize we have a bad habit or how bad the habit is until we take a step back. This can be for many reasons, but a major one is that we subconsciously begin to do things, and parts of life become engrained in us, making the habit feel so natural and normal. Over the pandemic, I gained some of my best habits and also some of my worst habits, but here we are in 2023.

New Year’s is filled with resolutions and ways we want to get better, but many times we ignore the ways to accomplish them. We put it in the back of our heads and act as if it will happen on its own. One of the hardest things I’ve learned as an adult is how much discipline and strength it takes to make changes. It also takes support from yourself and those around you. I remember over the pandemic, I had stopped working out and fell into a funk, but if I didn’t think about it too long the thought would leave for a little. Eventually, I knew I had to take action, I didn’t want to live a life like that, so one of my best friends and I signed up for our gym membership and went together at the same time, every day until the habit was formed. It isn’t easy, and some days you don’t want to fix the issue, but proving to yourself that you can change and you are strong enough to become better is a beautiful feeling.

I think another misconception we have, is thinking that we have to be like our friends, or engage in the same types of activities, but a friendship doesn’t have to be based on similar activities. Some of my friends like to go hunting, some of my friends hate traveling, some of my friends are extroverted, some of my friends are introverted, some of my friends hate school, and far more. Yet, the basis of these friendships is love, support, and the ability to always go to each other. When I wanted to work out again, and needed support, my friends were there for me, even if they didn’t work out. When I was going through health issues, they were there for me, unconditionally. So fixing bad habits, or creating positive change is not always something that is easy, but with support from yourself and those around you, it can very much be done.

The habits we create when we are young develop us into the person we will become. Many habits seem harmless when we are young, but they truly do have an impact. Whether it be drinking, lack of exercise, bad foods, poor sleep, or unresolved mental health issues, they all build up. It’s hard to realize you need help changing something, or realize a change needs to be made, but you’re never alone. Everyone has their issues, their mistakes, and ways they need to change. Choose the habits that help you create the life you want. A blessing and a curse, you are in the driver’s seat of your life. You get to make the choices that create the habits you will have.

Here is to a wonderful 2023, filled with loving relationships and becoming the most healed version of ourselves. Some of my biggest resolutions are to take care of my mental and physical health because they do indeed go hand in hand. I want to be the best version of myself I can be, and that starts with healing.