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Antigua, Guatemala - The Beginning

I am so happy.

I don't know how but I feel so at home. I feel more comfortable here than I did my first day of college in South Carolina or Florida.

It's weird how somewhere so different can feel like home. How people who don't speak your language still understand you. How people are so welcoming even though you feel like you are so different.

I love the warm smiles, waves and buenos días greetings as I walk to school in the morning. I love my Spanish classes and the cool people I get to meet. I love every part of it and it fills me with so much gratitude.

Before this trip, all that was mainly talked about was fear and danger. It scared me I won't lie but scared me enough to not go? Never.

Being with those who are different than me and learning new cultures and languages will always be my passion. It fills my soul with happiness and makes me feel so alive. This is the life I want to remember and these are the memories I want to have forever.

I have made so many new friends already and continue to share laughs, meals, and wonderful conversations with the most amazing people. I have already taken a cooking class at my school and look forward to my weekly salsa classes and more cooking classes.

Iā€™m proud of myself for always following my heart and staying true to my passions. I am thankful for my independence and drive to create positive change.

I hope you all give yourself a hug and thank yourself for the progress you make daily in becoming your true self.

The town of Antigua is filled with beautiful stone-covered roads and buildings that look like a pack of skittles. It's heavenly. I love the early mornings - the air is crisp and a little chilly, the birds are chirping and the mountains sit high and mighty with clouds hanging over the tops. I am extra thankful for life right now and the wonderful people I have in it.

Te amo mucho Guatemala. 


Cooking Class!