Heaven is a Place On Earth

Tonight I sat with my best friends along the Seine. The sun, set with an array of beautiful shades of orange and yellow as it dipped slowly behind the little buildings and glistened across the river. We talked of the history that not only Europe has been through but that Paris itself has been through, wondering how in the world we have gotten to where we are now, not only as people but as a society. To walk the streets of Paris eighty years ago, to experience Paris in all of its phases, but for now, novels will have to do. The pages of Agnes Humbert’s novel, Résistance, Memoirs of Occupied France, fill my mind as I realize how many phases this beautiful city has been through. Shining through even in the darkest of times, portrays the long-standing strength and elegance this city will always have. A violinist plays in the background and boats pass us, filled with smiles, waves, and happiness.

I've known Pia & Jule since high school orchestra; I've always been thankful for them and the phases they've seen me grow through, but nothing was as surreal as showing them my slice of heaven. The most beautiful place on Earth where the love of life, culture, food, and romance come to life. There is nowhere on this Earth I'd rather be than Paris. Finding people that you can connect with on every level, and finding a city that inspires you, loves you, and brings your soul to life, are some of the most magical experiences life can grant you. An experience so grand that you cannot let it go. When you find your people and the place you belong, allow yourself to find your way there. Nothing is impossible, and with a dedicated mind and loving heart, you will be directed to where you are intended to be.

One thing Paris has taught me is that you are exactly who you are meant to be. You love what you love for a reason, you are good at certain things for a reason, and that you deserve to find your way in life. People will come and go, and your job might change, but who you are at your core is you. When I force myself to do things I hate, try to fit into jobs I do not love, convince myself I don’t need to achieve my life goals, or don’t believe in my abilities, I remember I am also talking to her.

You are the streets I want to walk for the rest of my life, you are the little apartments I want to build a family in, and you are the people I want to forever be close to. My soul feels so at peace, I finally feel at home here. There are no words that could ever describe your beauty, but I will spend a lifetime trying to find them. Tears fill my eyes and I am overwhelmed with emotion because I am so lucky to know you and I am beyond blessed to love you. You are my heaven on Earth.

The best of America drifts to Paris. The American in Paris is the best American. It is more fun for an intelligent person to live in an intelligent country. France has the only two things toward which we drift as we grow older—intelligence and good manners.
— F. Scott Fitzgerald

Homesick; Learning to Push Past Your Comfort Zone


I Love You More