In Your Twenties

I think your twenties were purposefully made to allow you to create the most confident, unique, and powerful self you could have. Although a confusing experience, it is quite an empowering one. They allow you to fall in love with different parts of yourself, find your talents, and allow you to pave your own path. People come and go, but the ones who are meant to stay always do. I don’t hold grudges against those who no longer align with my path or have granted me lessons. We all use our twenties differently. Everyone is in a different situation. Some of your friends may be getting married, engaged, or having children, while others are starting their dream job, being a new degree, or healing from the past. No path is the right path, and we each can only be on our own path. We get little sneak peeks into the lives of others, not to judge or wish we had different, but to gain perspective. To allow you to find yourself and your path.

Never feel rushed to follow the paths around you or become like the person next to you. You are unique, loved, and needed for who you are. Life is far too short to feel stuck in one place or force yourself to be someone you are not. Being who you truly are is a beautiful thing. Relax and enjoy the moment, find love in everything you do, and see the world. Don’t just travel and see the obvious, but explore and find new ideas through your own lens. Find what you love and hold on to it. Find who you are and never let her go. Find the strength to stop questioning your worth, your abilities, and your dreams. Use this time as momentum to become the best version of you there is.

Fall effortlessly in love with the process and spread kindness no matter where you wander. Love your body, be gentle to her, and speak kindly to her. To your mind, speak wisely, speak confidently, and speak gently. Spend time with yourself, and spend time doing what is important to you. Spend time becoming the person you will forever fall in love with. We have this idea that we will find the one and fall deeply in love with them, and as true as that can be, you must learn to fall in love with yourself. Understand yourself on a level so deep that you never question your gut feeling, your heart, or your abilities. Fall in love with yourself so deeply that you live a life deeply connected to who you are at your core.


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